Man-woman relationships 480 Social life and customs 355 History 310 Families 189 Orphans 126 Social conditions 124 Young women 111 Murder 109 Gay men 101 Women 99 Fathers and daughters 84 Kings and rulers 81 Feature films 72 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 66 Friendship 59 Investigation 56 Adultery 55 English drama 52 Siblings 52 Death 51 Revenge 51 Social classes 51 Sisters 49 World War, 1939-1945 49 Country life 48 Love 48 Married people 46 Children 45 Inheritance and succession 45 Actors 44 Fathers and sons 44 Drama 40 Films for hard of hearing people 40 Theater 40 American drama 38 Marriage 37 Teachers 35 Politics and government 33 Poor 33 Ex-convicts 32 Mothers and daughters 32 Swordsmen 32 Family members 31 Interpersonal relations 31 Motion pictures 31 Race relations 31 African Americans 30 Young men 30 Aboriginal Australians 29 Lesbians 29 Male friendship 29 Operas 28 Outlaws 28 Auditions 27 Female friendship 27 Mothers and sons 27 Spouses 27 Brothers 26 Dysfunctional families 26 Family relationships 26 Maid Marian (Legendary character) 26 Women detectives 26 Courtship 25 Sheriff of Nottingham (Legendary character) 25 Teenagers 25 Mistaken identity 24 Musicals 24 Patients 24 Teenage girls 24 Acting 23 Conduct of life 23 Criticism and interpretation 23 Princes 23 Sexual behavior 23 Australian drama 22 World War, 1914-1918 21 Youth 21 Jealousy 20 Psychological aspects 20 City and town life 19 Fathers 19 German language 19 Police 19 Private investigators 19 Social aspects 19 Teacher-student relationships 19 Television stations 19 Aristocracy (Social class) 18 Gender identity 18 Magic 18 Men 18 Benefactors 17 Boarding schools 17 Criminals 17 Fairy plays 17 History and criticism 17 Jews 17 Rich people 17 Twins 17 Actions and defenses 16