History 229
Soldiers 59
Authors, American 55
Politics and government 43
Social life and customs 41
World War, 1939-1945 33
Philosophers 30
Authors, English 26
Campaigns 25
Poets, American 24
Women 22
Family 21
Presidents 20
Social conditions 20
World War, 1914-1918 20
Description and travel 19
History and criticism 19
Painters 18
Authors 17
Christian saints 17
Regimental histories 17
Travel 16
Composers 15
Frontier and pioneer life 15
Intellectual life 15
Criticism and interpretation 14
Philosophy 13
Jews 11
Authors, German 10
Correspondence 10
Feminists 10
Friends and associates 10
Letter writing 10
Novelists, American 10
Poets, English 10
Social aspects 10
Authors, French 9
Authors, Latin (Medieval and modern) 9
Generals 9
Humanists 9
Novelists, English 9
Political and social views 9
Statesmen 9
Authorship 8
British 8
Catholic Church 8
Clergy 8
Critics 8
Foreign relations 8
Immigrants 8
Love-letters 8
Medical care 8
Officers 8
Prime ministers 8
Religion 8
American letters 7
Commerce 7
Mathematicians 7
Physicians 7
Physicists 7
Presidents' spouses 7
Theologians 7
Artists 6
Discovery and exploration 6
Editors 6
Emigration and immigration 6
Gender identity 6
Historians 6
Married people 6
Military life 6
Missions 6
Political science 6
Socialists 6
Spiritual life 6
African Americans 5
Authors, Canadian 5
Designers 5
Explorers 5
Family relationships 5
Intellectuals 5
Marriage 5
Photographers 5
Politicians 5
Psychoanalysts 5
Public opinion 5
Race relations 5
Relations with women 5
Religious aspects 5
Veterans 5
Women authors, American 5
Women pioneers 5
Working class 5
Actors 4
Aerial operations, American 4
African American women 4
Authors, Russian 4
Bishops 4
Church history 4
Communism 4
Court and courtiers 4