History 2,042 Politics and government 497 Social conditions 217 African Americans 184 Presidents 180 Social life and customs 177 Women 156 Authors, American 154 History and criticism 145 Race relations 140 Intellectual life 138 World War, 1939-1945 137 Family 125 Jews 112 Criticism and interpretation 107 Politicians 103 Kings and rulers 102 Biography 101 Childhood and youth 96 Generals 95 Social aspects 94 Political and social views 93 history 92 Civil rights 91 Legislators 90 Influence 89 Statesmen 88 Travel 78 Patients 75 Description and travel 74 Soldiers 74 Journalists 73 Physicians 71 Campaigns 70 Historians 70 Friends and associates 69 Foreign relations 67 Composers 63 Scientists 60 Frontier and pioneer life 59 Officials and employees 58 Philosophy 58 Civil rights movements 53 Motion picture producers and directors 53 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 51 Lawyers 51 Painters 51 Political aspects 51 Clergy 50 Judges 49 Civil rights workers 48 Homes and haunts 48 Artists 47 Feminists 47 Governors 46 Officers 46 College teachers 45 Ethnic relations 45 History, 20th Century 45 Immigrants 44 Businessmen 43 Poets, American 43 Prime ministers 43 Explorers 41 Historiography 41 Philosophers 41 Political activists 41 Revolutionaries 41 Economists 40 Motion picture actors and actresses 40 Authors, English 39 Diplomats 39 Baseball players 38 Church history 38 Rock musicians 38 Discovery and exploration 37 Medicine 36 Science 36 Authorship 35 Christian saints 35 Family relationships 35 History, Military 35 World War, 1914-1918 35 Political activity 34 Actors 33 Educators 33 Enslaved persons 33 Indians of North America 33 Physicists 33 Psychology 33 Religion 32 Singers 32 Social reformers 32 Intellectuals 31 Psychological aspects 31 Slavery 31 Communists 30 Economic conditions 30 Heads of state 30 Health 30