History 95
Composers 48
Criticism and interpretation 34
Painters 26
Politics and government 24
Artists 23
Patients 22
Women 21
Presidents 17
Authors, American 15
Māori (New Zealand people) 15
Painting, New Zealand 14
World War, 1939-1945 13
Authors, English 12
Rock musicians 12
Social life and customs 12
Civil rights 11
History and criticism 11
Social aspects 11
Social conditions 11
Family relationships 10
Motion picture actors and actresses 10
World citizenship 10
African Americans 9
Choreographers 8
Poets, American 8
Family 7
Psychological aspects 7
Psychology 7
Rock music 7
Singers 7
AIDS (Disease) 6
Dancers 6
Gay men 6
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 6
Mountaineering expeditions 6
Mountaineers 6
Musicians 6
Politicians 6
Race relations 6
Sculptors 6
Women artists 6
Authors 5
Authors, French 5
Ballet 5
Ballet dancers 5
Coming of age 5
Conductors (Music) 5
Families 5
Fashion designers 5
Inventors 5
Jews 5
Journalists 5
Lawyers 5
Legislators 5
Lesbians 5
Man-woman relationships 5
Motion picture producers and directors 5
Music 5
Photographers 5
Pianists 5
Poets, English 5
Political activists 5
Racism 5
World War, 1914-1918 5
Actresses 4
Art, Modern 4
Education 4
Immigrants 4
Influence 4
Jazz musicians 4
Modern dance 4
Motion picture industry 4
Novelists, American 4
Novelists, English 4
Oratory 4
Prevention 4
Prisoners 4
Production and direction 4
Songs (High voice) with piano 4
Statesmen 4
Women motion picture producers and directors 4
Women soldiers 4
Actors 3
African American civil rights workers 3
African American women poets 3
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 3
Appreciation 3
Armed Forces 3
Astronauts 3
Authors, Irish 3
Boarding school students 3
Boarding schools 3
British literature 3
Businesswomen 3
Cancer 3
Catholic Church 3
Chinese Americans 3
Cinematographers 3
Civil rights workers 3