History 162
History and criticism 62
Books and reading 28
Criticism and interpretation 26
Bibliography 19
Reference books 16
Children 15
African Americans 12
Criticism, interpretation, etc 12
American literature 11
Early printed books 11
English literature 11
Study and teaching 11
Historiography 10
Intellectual life 10
Biography 9
Civilization 9
Early works to 1800 9
English drama 9
Libraries 9
Printing 9
Publishing 9
Sources 9
Women 9
African Americans in literature 8
Children's literature 8
Christianity 8
Motion pictures 8
Research 8
Theater 8
Women and literature 8
Women authors 8
American fiction 7
Emblems 7
English poetry 7
Geography 7
Information services 7
Judaism 7
Manuscripts 7
Methodology 7
Music 7
Social sciences 7
Theology 7
Appreciation 6
Best books 6
Children's literature, American 6
Church history 6
Emblem books 6
English language 6
Grammar, Comparative and general 6
In literature 6
Manuscripts, Medieval 6
Popular music 6
Psychological aspects 6
Readers' advisory services 6
Religious aspects 6
Science 6
Special collections 6
Terrorism 6
African American authors 5
Armed Forces 5
Business 5
Characters 5
Fiction in libraries 5
Library 5
Medicine 5
Military art and science 5
Motion picture music 5
Motion picture producers and directors 5
Philosophy 5
Picture books for children 5
Songs and music 5
Spanish language 5
Study and teaching (Higher) 5
Teenagers 5
Translations into English 5
Young adult literature 5
Activity programs 4
Art 4
Awards 4
Children's libraries 4
Civilization, Medieval, in literature 4
Composers 4
Computer network resources 4
Doctrines 4
English fiction 4
Examinations 4
Fiction 4
Folklore 4
Grammar 4
Hispanic American authors 4
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 4
Incunabula 4
Jews 4
Linguistics 4
Periodicals 4
Psychoanalysis 4
Travel 4
Vocal music 4
history 4