History 209 World War, 1939-1945 59 Social life and customs 55 Politics and government 52 Childhood and youth 50 Patients 46 Authors, American 40 Jews 40 Social conditions 36 Family 35 African Americans 32 Description and travel 32 Travel 30 Physicians 29 Soldiers 25 Campaigns 23 Women 21 Mental health 19 Officials and employees 19 Race relations 19 Civil rights 18 Gay men 18 College teachers 17 Health 17 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 17 Social aspects 17 Biography 16 Immigrants 16 Journalists 16 Family relationships 15 Presidents 15 Foreign relations 14 Lawyers 14 Legislators 14 Poets, American 14 Civil rights movements 13 Intellectual life 13 Medical care 13 history 13 Political activists 12 Civil rights workers 11 Discovery and exploration 11 History and criticism 11 Regimental histories 11 Statesmen 11 Friends and associates 10 Historians 10 History, 20th Century 10 Political prisoners 10 Prisoners of war 10 Psychological aspects 10 Ambassadors 9 Economists 9 Enslaved persons 9 Jewish children in the Holocaust 9 Mexican Americans 9 Officers 9 Refugees 9 World War, 1914-1918 9 Air pilots, Military 8 Autobiography 8 Cancer 8 Diplomats 8 Faculty 8 Families 8 Homes and haunts 8 Natural history 8 Philosophers 8 Politicians 8 Actors 7 African American women 7 Ethnic identity 7 Explorers 7 Feminists 7 Holocaust survivors 7 Indians of North America 7 Judges 7 Nurses 7 Sexual minorities 7 psychology 7 Aerial operations, American 6 Asperger's syndrome 6 Autobiographies as Topic 6 Baseball players 6 Businesspeople 6 Children 6 Education 6 Farm life 6 Gay studies 6 Gender studies 6 Iraq War, 2003-2011 6 LGBTQ+ people 6 Latter Day Saints 6 Lesbian studies 6 Missions 6 Mothers and sons 6 Motion picture producers and directors 6 Novelists, American 6 Painters 6 Philosophy 6