History 108 Study and teaching 37 Literature 25 Politics and government 25 Audio-visual aids 24 Nursing 24 Animated films 18 Political science 14 Presidents 14 Short films 13 Children 11 Life skills 11 Prevention 11 Women 11 World citizenship 11 Experimental films 9 Sustainable development 8 Women's rights 8 African Americans 7 Civil rights 7 Legal status, laws, etc 7 Race relations 7 Vocational guidance 7 World War, 1939-1945 7 Airway (Medicine) 6 Enslaved women 6 Espionage 6 Imagination 6 Indians of North America 6 Man-woman relationships 6 Slavery 6 Social aspects 6 Technological innovations 6 Abolitionists 5 Animals 5 Antiquities 5 Artificial respiration 5 Constitutional history 5 Design 5 Economic development 5 Emigration and immigration 5 Global warming 5 HTML (Document markup language) 5 History and criticism 5 Inventions 5 Legislators 5 Psychological aspects 5 Puncture 5 Spies 5 Web site development 5 Web sites 5 Women in literature 5 Analysis 4 Civil rights movements 4 Cold War 4 Diseases 4 Down syndrome 4 Education 4 Environmental aspects 4 Families 4 Judges 4 Law and legislation 4 Legends 4 Medical care 4 Motion pictures 4 Nature 4 Oratory 4 Patients 4 Respiration, Artificial 4 Secret service 4 Sexual behavior 4 Social skills 4 Treatment 4 Administrative agencies 3 Awareness 3 Chinese 3 Cities and towns 3 Civil rights demonstrations 3 Depressions 3 Drainage, Surgical 3 Drama 3 Economic aspects 3 Enslaved persons 3 Environmental policy 3 Gay rights 3 Health and hygiene 3 Indian mythology 3 Intelligence service 3 Intubation 3 Journalists 3 Loneliness 3 Naval operations 3 Paracentesis 3 Propaganda 3 Public health 3 Segregation 3 Social interaction 3 Social life and customs 3 Social perception 3 Success 3