History 148
Social life and customs 73
Description and travel 22
Social conditions 16
Travel 14
Childhood and youth 12
Country life 12
History, Local 12
Frontier and pioneer life 11
Legends 11
Physicians 10
Politics and government 10
Folklore 9
Medicine 9
Social aspects 9
African Americans 8
Air pilots 8
Curiosities and wonders 8
Presidents 8
Race relations 8
Armed Forces 7
Family 7
History, Military 7
Interviews 7
Psychological aspects 7
Women 7
Animals 6
Conduct of life 6
Hunting 6
Natural history 6
Outdoor life 6
Soldiers 6
Civilization 5
Fieldwork 5
Friends and associates 5
Military life 5
Oral history 5
Outlaws 5
Patients 5
Physician and patient 5
Research 5
Teachers 5
American wit and humor 4
City and town life 4
Emigration and immigration 4
Farm life 4
Gender identity 4
Historic sites 4
History and criticism 4
Homes and haunts 4
Immigrants 4
Officials and employees 4
Philosophy 4
Spiritual life 4
Success in business 4
Tales 4
Teaching 4
Women travelers 4
World War, 1939-1945 4
Baby boom generation 3
Baseball 3
Baseball players 3
Benedictines 3
Biography 3
Cancer 3
Celebrities 3
Civilization, Modern 3
Clergy 3
Cold War 3
Crime 3
Death 3
Education 3
Employees 3
Ethnic relations 3
Fishing 3
Flight attendants 3
Food habits 3
Football 3
History, Naval 3
Human-animal relationships 3
Law 3
Leadership 3
Mathematics 3
Mexican Americans 3
Nurses 3
Nursing 3
Racism 3
Rural conditions 3
School principals 3
Soldiers' writings, American 3
Veterans 3
Vocational guidance 3
War and society 3
Wildlife rescue 3
Youth 3
Aboriginal Australians 2
Accidents 2
African American soldiers 2
African American women 2
Air travel 2