Presidents 208 Economic conditions 40 History 31 Law and legislation 26 Social conditions 16 Politics and government 15 Public speaking 15 Political participation 14 Communication 12 Interpersonal communication 12 Officials and employees 12 International relations 11 Speeches, addresses, etc 11 Speeches, addresses, etc., American 11 Selection and appointment 10 African Americans 9 Foreign relations 8 Middle class 8 Race relations 8 Budget 7 Job creation 7 Leadership in women 7 Baccalaureate addresses 6 Civil rights 6 Health care reform 5 Inauguration 5 Legal status, laws, etc 5 Medical care 5 Women 5 Government policy 4 Minimum wage 4 Vice-presidents 4 Community policing 3 Death and burial 3 Economic policy 3 Emigration and immigration 3 Eulogies 3 Furloughs 3 Iraq War, 2003-2011 3 Military assistance, American 3 Renewable energy sources 3 September 11 Terrorist Attacks 3 September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 3 Terrorism 3 Women employees 3 World War, 1939-1945 3 Accidents 2 African American women 2 Anniversaries, etc 2 BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 2 Black militant organizations 2 Civil rights movements 2 Commerce 2 Congressional Gold Medal 2 Discrimination in criminal justice administration 2 Ebola virus disease 2 Education, Higher 2 Energy security 2 Finance 2 Gay military personnel 2 Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola 2 International cooperation 2 Judges 2 Labor laws and legislation 2 Law enforcement 2 Nuclear disarmament 2 Oratory 2 Political activity 2 Prevention 2 Public safety 2 Race discrimination 2 Services for 2 Soldiers 2 Veterans 2 Wages 2 Watergate Affair, 1972-1974 2 African American juvenile delinquents 1 African American political activists 1 African American student movements 1 African American women political activists 1 African American women politicians 1 Baseball players 1 Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany, 1961-1989 1 Black Muslims 1 Black lives matter movement 1 Black or African American 1 Black power 1 Boxing 1 Boxing matches 1 Buildings 1 Cabinet officers 1 Chemical arms control 1 Chemical weapons 1 Christian converts 1 Citizen participation 1 Civil service positions 1 Clean energy 1 Climatic changes 1 College costs 1 Compassion 1