History 427
Politics and government 74
Causes 34
Influence 32
Campaigns 28
Social aspects 26
African Americans 21
American loyalists 18
Colonies 18
Slavery 18
Social conditions 17
Statesmen 16
Generals 15
Presidents 15
Women 15
Political culture 12
Historiography 11
History and criticism 11
Indians of North America 11
Soldiers 11
Foreign relations 10
Civilization 8
Enslaved persons 8
Public opinion 8
British forces 7
Revolutionaries 7
Social life and customs 7
American literature 6
Foreign public opinion, British 6
Intellectual life 6
Military leadership 6
Nationalism 6
Participation, French 6
Political aspects 6
Religious aspects 6
Secret service 6
Signers 6
Social classes 6
Spies 6
Wars 6
African American soldiers 5
Constitutional history 5
History, Military 5
Literature and the revolution 5
Military life 5
Naval operations 5
Political activity 5
Political science 5
United Empire loyalists 5
Administration 4
Antislavery movements 4
Boston Tea Party, Boston, Mass., 1773 4
Church history 4
Clergy 4
Democracy 4
Emancipation 4
Founding Fathers of the United States 4
Gentry 4
National characteristics, American 4
Officers 4
Participation, Indian 4
Philosophy 4
Press coverage 4
Race relations 4
Radicalism 4
Relations 4
Territorial expansion 4
Women authors, American 4
Women historians 4
American newspapers 3
Books and reading 3
Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775 3
Concord, Battle of, Concord, Mass., 1775 3
Economic conditions 3
English influences 3
Foreign public opinion 3
Gender identity 3
Iroquois Indians 3
Journalism 3
Legislators 3
Lexington, Battle of, Lexington, Mass., 1775 3
Military art and science 3
Monmouth, Battle of, Freehold, N.J., 1778 3
Participation, African American 3
Politicians 3
Revolutions 3
Saratoga Campaign, N.Y., 1777 3
Sovereignty 3
Strategy 3
Trenton, Battle of, Trenton, N.J., 1776 3
War 3
American forces 2
American influences 2
Battlefields 2
Boundaries 2
British influences 2
Church and state 2
Collective memory 2
Commerce 2
Diplomats 2