Church history 255 History 116 Christianity 67 Judaism 29 Criticism, interpretation, etc 26 Christianity and other religions 24 Origin 20 Religious aspects 20 Religion 19 Relations 16 History of doctrines 15 History and criticism 11 Christian literature, Early 10 Theology 10 Church 9 Roman 8 Theology, Doctrinal 8 Bishops 7 Christianity and culture 7 Church and state 6 Jews 6 Biblical teaching 5 Christian heresies 5 Fathers of the church 5 Foundation 5 History of contemporary events 5 Influence 5 Religious life and customs 5 Christian life 4 Christianity and politics 4 Greek 4 Philosophy 4 Violence 4 Arianism 3 Christian saints 3 Christian sociology 3 Civilization 3 Civilization, Greco-Roman 3 Historiography 3 History of Biblical events 3 Paganism 3 Pastoral theology 3 Religions 3 Social aspects 3 War 3 Antiquities 2 Apocryphal books 2 Apocryphal books (New Testament) 2 Apologetics 2 Appointment, call, and election 2 Christian civilization 2 Christians 2 Church controversies 2 Church group work 2 Church polity 2 Church work 2 Correspondence 2 Criticism and interpretation 2 Description and travel 2 Donatists 2 Emperors 2 Gnosticism 2 Grace (Theology) 2 History, Ancient 2 Identification (Religion) 2 Liturgics 2 Lord's Supper 2 Martyrdom 2 Medicine 2 Persecution 2 Person and offices 2 Philosophy and religion 2 Politics and government 2 Power (Social sciences) 2 Rabbinical literature 2 Religion and state 2 Religious tolerance 2 Resurrection 2 Sacred meals 2 Social life and customs 2 Sources 2 history 2 Administration 1 Agape 1 Anthropomorphism 1 Apostles 1 Architecture, Roman 1 Art, Early Christian 1 Art, Roman 1 Book burning 1 Canon 1 Catholic Church 1 Catholicity 1 Censorship 1 Children 1 Christian antiquities 1 Christian biography 1 Christian communities 1 Christian giving 1 Christian hagiography 1