History 312 Church history 174 History of doctrines 118 Christianity 80 Religious aspects 56 History and criticism 41 Mysticism 37 Monasticism and religious orders 28 Criticism, interpretation, etc 27 Theology 24 Theology, Doctrinal 23 Monastic and religious life 21 Catholic Church 20 Crusades 18 Christian heresies 17 Philosophy, Medieval 17 Christianity and other religions 15 Relations 15 Women in Christianity 14 Christian saints 13 Spiritual life 13 Civilization, Medieval 12 Islam 12 Judaism 11 Religious life and customs 11 Church and state 10 Cult 10 Preaching 10 Religious thought 10 Women 10 Monastic and religious life of women 9 Monasticism and religious orders for women 9 Papacy 9 Women mystics 9 Doctrines 8 English literature 8 God 8 God (Christianity) 8 Reformation 8 Religious life 8 Christian hagiography 7 Christian life 7 Christian literature, English (Middle) 7 Christian women 7 Literature, Medieval 7 Sermons, Medieval 7 Spirituality 7 Historiography 6 Human body 6 Intellectual life 6 Middle Ages 6 Religion 6 Christian ethics 5 Christianity and culture 5 Criticism and interpretation 5 Love 5 Miracles 5 Nuns 5 Philosophy 5 Social conditions 5 history 5 Canon law 4 Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern) 4 Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages 4 Christian women saints 4 Christianity and literature 4 Demonology 4 Identification (Religion) 4 Influence 4 Inquisition 4 Judaism (Christian theology) 4 Lord's Supper 4 Popes 4 Rhetoric, Medieval 4 Sex 4 Soul 4 Trinity 4 Apologetics 3 Biblical teaching 3 Canonization 3 Christian poetry, English (Middle) 3 Christian sociology 3 Christianity and antisemitism 3 Church renewal 3 Creation 3 Death 3 Dissenters, Religious 3 Eschatology 3 Gender identity 3 Iconoclasm 3 In literature 3 Knowledge, Theory of 3 Law, Medieval 3 Literature and society 3 Lollards 3 Moral and ethical aspects 3 Sermons, English (Middle) 3 Sex role 3 Study and teaching 3 Versions 3