History 120 Social history 61 Christian art and symbolism 29 Civilization, Medieval 23 Learning and scholarship 19 Economic history 15 History and criticism 14 Commerce 11 Military art and science 11 Social conditions 11 Religious aspects 10 Theater 9 Women 9 Christianity 8 Military history, Medieval 7 Social aspects 7 Social life and customs 7 Art, Medieval 6 English drama 6 Intellectual life 6 Middle Ages 6 Economic conditions 5 English literature 5 Church history 4 Clothing and dress 4 Costume 4 Feudalism 4 History of doctrines 4 History, Military 4 Literature and society 4 Mysteries and miracle-plays, English 4 Nobility 4 Peasants 4 Social change 4 Architecture, Medieval 3 Carolingians 3 Chivalry 3 Civilization 3 Human body 3 Knights and knighthood 3 Political and social views 3 Power (Social sciences) 3 Social problems in literature 3 Study and teaching 3 Transmission of texts 3 Violence 3 history 3 Antiquities 2 Christian drama, English (Middle) 2 Christian hagiography 2 Christian saints in literature 2 Christianity and literature 2 Crime 2 Criticism and interpretation 2 Crucifixion 2 Crusades 2 Dissenters 2 Drama, Medieval 2 Education, Medieval 2 Families 2 Food habits 2 Gender identity 2 God 2 Historiography 2 Homosexuality 2 Identity (Psychology) 2 In literature 2 Influence 2 Intercultural communication 2 Islamic learning and scholarship 2 Jewish merchants 2 Knowledge, Theory of 2 Law, Medieval 2 Literacy 2 Manuscripts 2 Marginality, Social 2 Marriage 2 Medicine, Medieval 2 Minorities 2 Philosophy, Medieval 2 Prostitution 2 Rites and ceremonies, Medieval 2 Scholasticism 2 Senses and sensation in art 2 Sex customs 2 Sex role in literature 2 Symbolic aspects 2 Themes, motives 2 Women and literature 2 Women in literature 2 Academic disputations 1 African influences 1 Aging 1 Altarpieces, Gothic 1 Antiquities, Roman 1 Apocalyptic art 1 Architecture, Byzantine 1 Architecture, Carolingian 1 Architecture, Gothic 1 Aristocracy (Social class) 1