History 247 History of doctrines 117 Criticism, interpretation, etc 81 Christianity 80 Church history 58 Religious aspects 49 Theology 42 History and criticism 29 Women in Christianity 27 Theology, Doctrinal 23 Biblical teaching 21 Fathers of the church 19 Judaism 19 Christian literature, Early 17 Christianity and culture 14 Religion 14 Asceticism 13 Christian sociology 13 Christianity and other religions 13 Apologetics 11 Christian life 11 Church 11 Relations 11 Trinity 11 Women 11 Monasticism and religious orders 8 Christian heresies 7 Hermeneutics 7 Influence 7 Persecution 7 Christian saints 6 Baptism 5 Biography 5 Christian ethics 5 Feminist criticism 5 Gender identity 5 Human body 5 Jewish Christians 5 Martyrdom 5 Monastic and religious life 5 Mysticism 5 Spirituality 5 Women in the Bible 5 Worship 5 Gnosticism 4 God (Christianity) 4 Grace (Theology) 4 Holy Spirit 4 Judaism (Christian theology) 4 Kingdom of God 4 Origin 4 Paganism 4 Pastoral theology 4 Religious life 4 Sex 4 Sociology, Biblical 4 Virginity 4 history 4 Apocryphal books (New Testament) 3 Authority 3 Christian art and symbolism 3 Christian education 3 Christian martyrs 3 Creation 3 Criticism, interpretation, etc., Jewish 3 Cult 3 Demonology 3 Families 3 Feminist theology 3 Historiography 3 Identification (Religion) 3 Latin authors 3 Lord's Supper 3 Methodology 3 Preaching 3 Q hypothesis (Synoptics criticism) 3 Religion and sociology 3 Religious life and customs 3 Resurrection 3 Social conditions 3 Suffering 3 Theological anthropology 3 Women clergy 3 Apocryphal Gospels 2 Ascension of the soul 2 Canon 2 Celibacy 2 Christian hagiography 2 Christian women 2 Christianity and literature 2 Church group work 2 Church polity 2 Church work 2 Civilization, Greco-Roman 2 Controversial literature 2 Criticism, Textual 2 Donatists 2 Education 2 Eschatology 2 Free will and determinism 2