History 415 Indians of North America 61 History and criticism 53 Colonies 52 American literature 48 Puritans 44 Slavery 42 Social conditions 32 African Americans 28 Politics and government 23 Intellectual life 21 Civilization 19 Race relations 18 Ethnic relations 16 Women 16 Indigenous peoples 15 First contact with other peoples 14 Social life and customs 14 Discovery and exploration 12 Government relations 12 Wars 12 Church history 11 Enslaved persons 11 British 10 Clergy 10 Historiography 10 Causes 9 Frontier and pioneer life 9 Political aspects 9 Puritan authors 9 Social aspects 9 Colonization 8 Commerce 8 Missions 8 Sex role 8 Trials (Witchcraft) 8 Adultery 7 Christian literature, American 7 Dutch 7 Governors 7 Religion 7 American poetry 6 Economic conditions 6 English influences 6 Relations with Indians 6 Rhetoric 6 Slave trade 6 White people 6 Administration 5 African American authors 5 Antiquities 5 Authority in literature 5 Colonies in literature 5 Colonists 5 Delaware Indians 5 English literature 5 French 5 Gender identity 5 History, Military 5 Illegitimate children 5 King Philip's War, 1675-1676 5 Legal status, laws, etc 5 Literature and society 5 Married women 5 Missionaries 5 Public opinion 5 Quakers 5 Revenge 5 Social classes 5 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 5 Women immigrants 5 African Americans in literature 4 American prose literature 4 Antinomianism 4 Attitudes 4 Books and reading 4 Comparative literature 4 Enslaved Indians 4 Ethnicity 4 Freedom of religion 4 Immigrants 4 Imperialism 4 Indentured servants 4 Indigenous captivities 4 Iroquois Indians 4 Kings and rulers 4 Law 4 Plantation life 4 Political culture 4 Slave rebellions 4 Spaniards 4 Study and teaching 4 Women authors 4 American and English 3 Anglicans 3 Authorship 3 Cherokee Indians 3 Christianity and literature 3 Church and state 3 Clothing and dress 3