Arab-Israeli conflict 157
Politics and government 110
Peace 85
Social policy 56
Palestinian Arabs 51
History 33
Foreign relations 29
Social conditions 24
Ethnic relations 19
Public welfare 19
Government policy 17
Economic policy 15
Economic conditions 13
Jews 13
Political aspects 13
Social aspects 12
Occupied territories 10
Conflict management 9
Attitudes 8
Political activity 7
Diplomatic history 6
Israelis 6
Jewish-Arab relations 6
Military occupation 6
Peace-building 6
Zionism 6
Economic aspects 5
Influence 5
National security 5
Poor families 5
Refugee camps 5
Relations 5
Welfare state 5
Al-Aqsa Intifada, 2000-2005 4
Democracy 4
Diplomatic negotiations in international disputes 4
Elections 4
Health care reform 4
International status 4
Israel-Arab War, 1967 4
Israeli West Bank Barrier 4
Moral and ethical aspects 4
Press coverage 4
Race relations 4
Religious aspects 4
Services for 4
Social justice 4
Welfare recipients 4
Child welfare 3
Civil rights 3
Colonization 3
Description and travel 3
Election 3
Human services 3
Iraq War, 2003-2011 3
Mass media 3
Mass media and the conflict 3
National characteristics, Israeli 3
Political culture 3
Political parties 3
Poor 3
Poor children 3
Post-communism 3
Presidents 3
Psychological aspects 3
Race identity 3
Refugee children 3
Refugees, Palestinian Arab 3
Social life and customs 3
Social problems 3
African Americans 2
Causes 2
Conscientious objectors 2
Critical discourse analysis 2
Economic security 2
Education 2
Employment 2
Families 2
Federal government 2
Feminist theory 2
Finance 2
Foreign public opinion 2
Gaza War, 2008-2009 2
Happiness 2
Human rights 2
Ideology 2
Intergroup relations 2
Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2
Lebanon War, 2006 2
Legal status, laws, etc 2
Liberalism 2
Manners and customs 2
Military policy 2
Multicultural education 2
Nation-state 2
New democracies 2
Pacific settlement of international disputes 2
Patronage, Political 2
Peace movements 2
Philosophy 2