Politics and government 184
Foreign relations 121
History 56
Arab-Israeli conflict 24
Presidents 17
Economic conditions 12
Iran-Contra Affair, 1985-1990 11
African Americans 10
Cold War 10
Terrorism 10
Conservatism 9
Economic policy 9
Influence 9
Political corruption 9
Legislators 7
Military policy 7
Civil rights 6
Elections 6
Jewish-Arab relations 5
Political aspects 5
Cabinet officers 4
Diplomatic history 4
Government policy 4
Hostages 4
Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988 4
Political and social views 4
Political candidates 4
Summit meetings 4
Supply-side economics 4
AIDS (Disease) 3
Administrative procedure 3
Bombings 3
Budget 3
Disarmament 3
Executive power 3
Fiscal policy 3
Friends and associates 3
International relations 3
National security 3
Nuclear arms control 3
Nuclear weapons 3
Officials and employees 3
Political campaigns 3
Political culture 3
Public opinion 3
Rhetoric 3
Social security 3
Staff 3
Taxation 3
Air Traffic Controllers' Strike, U.S., 1981 2
Air traffic control 2
Air traffic controllers 2
Arms control 2
Catholic Church 2
Christianity and politics 2
Church and state 2
Church history 2
Civilization 2
Communication in politics 2
Counterrevolutionaries 2
Decision making 2
Democracy 2
Drug control 2
Economic sanctions 2
Election 2
Epidemics 2
Falkland Islands War, 1982 2
Finance 2
Government and the press 2
Government executives 2
Intervention (International law) 2
Journalism 2
Law and legislation 2
Liberalism 2
National characteristics, American 2
Nuclear disarmament 2
Objectivity 2
Oratory 2
Palestinian Arabs 2
Party affiliation 2
Peace 2
Philosophy 2
Political consultants 2
Political ethics 2
Political leadership 2
Political participation 2
Political parties 2
Presidential candidates 2
Prevention 2
Prices 2
Race relations 2
Religious aspects 2
Social conditions 2
Speeches, addresses, etc., American 2
Statesmen 2
Strikes and lockouts 2
Transition periods 2
Visits of state 2
Women politicians 2
Administrative agencies 1