Civilization, Modern 63 History 23 Social aspects 12 Social conditions 12 Philosophy 11 Social change 11 Criticism and interpretation 10 Politics and government 10 Civilization 9 Social history 8 Postmodernism 7 Culture 6 History and criticism 6 Social life and customs 6 African Americans 5 Description and travel 5 Family 5 Childhood and youth 4 Comparative civilization 4 Education 4 Globalization 4 Mental health 4 Religious aspects 4 Travel 4 Twenty-first century 4 Vietnam War, 1961-1975 4 World politics 4 Christianity 3 Civil rights 3 East and West 3 Forecasting 3 Foreign relations 3 Relations 3 Technology 3 Technology and civilization 3 Artists 2 Capitalism 2 Celebrities 2 Cold War 2 Conduct of life 2 Conservation of natural resources 2 Culture conflict 2 Democracy 2 Economic conditions 2 Effect of human beings on 2 English poetry 2 Environmental policy 2 Genealogy 2 Historians 2 Holocaust survivors 2 Homes and haunts 2 Human ecology 2 Information technology 2 Irish authors 2 Irish poetry 2 Islam 2 Jews 2 Judges 2 Manners and customs 2 Mass media 2 Mental Disorders 2 Mental Health 2 Millennialism 2 Motion picture producers and directors 2 Muslims 2 Natural history 2 Naturalism 2 Nature 2 Nineteen sixty-four, A.D. 2 Officials and employees 2 Philosophy of nature 2 Photography, Artistic 2 Political and social views 2 Production and direction 2 Psychology 2 Rock music 2 Selection and appointment 2 Slavery 2 Theater 2 Time 2 Violence against 2 Women authors 2 Women's rights 2 Abstraction 1 Acting 1 Actors 1 Actresses 1 Aerial operations, American 1 African American artists 1 African American authors 1 African American basketball players 1 African American college students 1 African American college teachers 1 African American musicians 1 African American scholars 1 African American theatrical producers and directors 1 African American young men 1 African Americans in literature 1 African influences 1 American fiction 1