Politics and government 179
Presidents 107
History 56
Election 50
Foreign relations 40
Political aspects 36
Criticism and interpretation 35
Maid Marian (Legendary character) 26
Outlaws 26
Sheriff of Nottingham (Legendary character) 25
Influence 24
History and criticism 19
Social conditions 19
Political and social views 18
Impeachment 16
Iraq War, 2003-2011 15
Government policy 14
Presidential candidates 14
Economic conditions 13
Political culture 13
War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 13
Elections 12
Conservatism 11
Military policy 11
Political campaigns 11
Race relations 11
Communication in politics 8
Emigration and immigration 8
Executive power 8
Motion picture producers and directors 8
Philosophy 8
Public opinion 8
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 8
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- 7
Contested elections 7
Democracy 7
Economic policy 7
Friends and associates 7
Impeachments 7
Deception 6
Political leadership 6
Trials (Impeachment) 6
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 6
African Americans 5
Governors 5
Language 5
Officials and employees 5
Political parties 5
Psychological aspects 5
Racism 5
Rhetoric 5
Terrorism 5
World politics 5
Balance of power 4
Causes 4
Conspiracy theories 4
Ethics 4
Family 4
Inauguration 4
Legislators 4
Moral and ethical aspects 4
National security 4
Phenomenological theology 4
Political participation 4
Politicians 4
Press coverage 4
QAnon conspiracy theory 4
Right-wing extremists 4
Social aspects 4
Staff 4
Study and teaching 4
Travel 4
Trials, litigation, etc 4
Afghan War, 2001-2021 3
Arab-Israeli conflict 3
Black lives matter movement 3
Capitol Riot, Washington, D.C., 2021 3
Civil rights 3
Climate change mitigation 3
Climatic changes 3
College teachers 3
Conspiracies 3
Description and travel 3
Discourse analysis 3
Divided government 3
Documentary films 3
Economic aspects 3
Fantasy fiction, English 3
Foreign public opinion 3
Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 3
Governmental investigations 3
Immigrants 3
Intervention (International law) 3
Jews 3
Lawyers 3
Literature 3
Mass media 3
Misconduct in office 3
Oratory 3
Performance art 3