History 352
Politics and government 214
World War, 1939-1945 147
Foreign relations 88
Social conditions 79
National socialism 78
Economic conditions 56
New Deal, 1933-1939 55
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 52
Jews 37
Depressions 31
Economic policy 29
Political aspects 28
Presidents 28
Social aspects 24
Diplomatic history 18
Ethnic relations 17
Influence 17
Causes 16
Public opinion 16
Church and state 15
Heads of state 15
Political and social views 15
World politics 15
Historiography 14
United States 14
Antisemitism 13
Nazis 12
Political culture 12
Anti-Nazi movement 11
Economic aspects 11
Government policy 11
Persecutions 11
Race relations 11
Social policy 9
African Americans 8
Moral and ethical aspects 8
Political activity 8
Relations 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
Campaigns 7
Church history 7
Election 7
Friends and associates 7
Intellectual life 7
Liberalism 7
Nazi propaganda 7
Popular culture 7
Propaganda 7
Psychological aspects 7
Racism 7
War work 7
Women 7
Conservatism 6
Psychology 6
Civil rights 5
Collective memory 5
Emigration and immigration 5
Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 5
Germans 5
Governors 5
Japanese Americans 5
Jewish refugees 5
Legal status, laws, etc 5
Legislators 5
National socialism and religion 5
Nationalism 5
Philosophy 5
Rhetoric 5
Social change 5
Social life and customs 5
Statesmen 5
Anti-communist movements 4
Assassination attempts 4
Catholics 4
Childhood and youth 4
Children 4
Civilization 4
Diplomats 4
Eugenics 4
Government, Resistance to 4
Historians 4
History, 20th Century 4
International relations 4
Labor movement 4
Law and legislation 4
Military leadership 4
Military relations 4
National socialism and occultism 4
Nazi concentration camps 4
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 4
Presidents' spouses 4
Propaganda, German 4
Protestant churches 4
Religion 4
Research 4
Veterans 4
Ambassadors 3
Atrocities 3
Attitudes 3