History 141
Politics and government 81
Presidents 76
Political and social views 39
Influence 25
Enslaved persons 23
Emancipation 22
Slavery 21
Assassination 19
Friends and associates 18
African Americans 14
Military leadership 14
Political leadership 14
Views on slavery 13
Political aspects 11
Relations with African Americans 11
Family 10
Philosophy 10
Race relations 10
Public opinion 9
Conspiracies 8
Political career before 1861 8
Campaigns 7
Election 7
Homes and haunts 7
Political culture 7
Presidents' spouses 7
Religion 7
Assassins 6
Civil rights 6
Law and legislation 6
Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Ill., 1858 6
Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 6
Travel 6
Causes 5
Ethics 5
Intellectual life 5
Oratory 5
Secession 5
Social conditions 5
Antislavery movements 4
Cabinet officers 4
Constitutional history 4
Habeas corpus 4
Journalists 4
Lawyers 4
Naval operations 4
Social aspects 4
Statesmen 4
Trials, litigation, etc 4
Adversaries 3
Career in law 3
Death and burial 3
Democracy 3
Federal government 3
Foreign relations 3
Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863 3
Historic sites 3
History, Military 3
Language 3
Law 3
Mental health 3
Political campaigns 3
Political science 3
Power (Social sciences) 3
Race 3
Racism 3
Rhetoric 3
Social life and customs 3
Trials (Assassination) 3
Actors 2
Attitudes 2
Books and reading 2
Buildings, structures, etc 2
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861 2
Campaign debates 2
Celebrities 2
Character 2
Charity 2
Childhood and youth 2
Constitutional law 2
Copperhead movement 2
Decision making 2
Famous Persons 2
Governors 2
History, Local 2
Leadership 2
Legal status, laws, etc 2
Legislators 2
Marriage 2
Mental illness 2
Military art and science 2
Monuments 2
Moral and ethical aspects 2
Museums 2
Participation, African American 2
Patents 2
Political oratory 2
Politicians 2
Presidential candidates 2