Philosophy 51
History 27
Influence 16
Political science 13
Spirit 13
Philosophy, Modern 12
Criticism and interpretation 11
Political and social views 11
Dialectic 10
Ethics 9
Idealism, German 8
Religion 8
State, The 8
Logic 7
Philosophy, German 7
Consciousness 6
Truth 6
Law 5
Liberty 5
Natural law 5
Theology 5
Analysis (Philosophy) 4
Metaphysics 4
Phenomenology 4
Aesthetics 3
Christianity 3
Ethics, Modern 3
History of doctrines 3
Knowledge, Theory of 3
Language and languages 3
Methodology 3
Negativity (Philosophy) 3
Philosophical theology 3
Philosophy and religion 3
Politics and government 3
Absolute, The 2
Agent (Philosophy) 2
Capitalism 2
Civilization, Modern 2
Critical theory 2
Eurocentrism 2
Existentialism 2
Families 2
Freedom 2
Historiography 2
History and criticism 2
Idealism 2
Imperialism 2
Individuality 2
Literature 2
Logic, Modern 2
Moral and ethical aspects 2
Ontology 2
Philosophy of mind 2
Philosophy of nature 2
Philosophy, Marxist 2
Psychoanalysis 2
Psychoanalysis and philosophy 2
Recognition (Philosophy) 2
Self (Philosophy) 2
Self-consciousness (Awareness) 2
Skepticism 2
Social movements 2
Tragic, The 2
Act (Philosophy) 1
Alienation (Philosophy) 1
Art 1
Authorship 1
Catholic Church and philosophy 1
Christian union 1
Citizenship 1
Cognition 1
Colonies 1
Communism 1
Communism and individualism 1
Constitutional history 1
Constitutional law 1
Continental philosophy 1
Contributions in philosophy of history 1
Contributions in the concept of dialectic 1
Contributions in the concept of time 1
Cosmology 1
Criticism (Philosophy) 1
Death 1
Democracy 1
Desire 1
Desire (Philosophy) 1
Despair 1
Developmental psychology 1
Dialectical materialism 1
Education 1
Educational psychology 1
Electronic information resources 1
English literature 1
Essentialism (Philosophy) 1
Ethics in literature 1
Experience 1
Fate and fatalism in literature 1
Feminist theory 1
Finite, The 1