Criticism and interpretation 63
History and criticism 43
History 35
Religion 26
English literature 18
In literature 17
Political and social views 14
Fall of man in literature 13
Epic poetry, English 11
English poetry 10
Influence 10
Christian poetry, English 9
Knowledge 7
Christianity and literature 6
Poets, English 6
Philosophy 5
Politics and literature 5
Books and reading 4
Christianity 4
Renaissance 4
Characters 3
Eden in literature 3
Literature 3
Poetry 3
Polemics in literature 3
Psychological aspects 3
Religious aspects 3
Self in literature 3
Symbolism in literature 3
Theory, etc 3
Aesthetics 2
Commonplace books 2
Creation in literature 2
Criticism 2
Criticism, interpretation, etc 2
Devil in literature 2
Epic poetry 2
Ethics 2
Ethics in literature 2
Fall of man 2
Figures of speech 2
Friends and associates 2
Good and evil in literature 2
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) 2
Intellectual life 2
Intertextuality 2
Judaism 2
Judaism in literature 2
Language 2
Liberty 2
Literary form 2
Literature and the revolution 2
Myth in literature 2
Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc 2
Poetics 2
Politics in literature 2
Popular culture 2
Puritan movements in literature 2
Religion and literature 2
Religion in literature 2
Religious poetry, English 2
Revolutionary literature, English 2
Sex role in literature 2
Versification 2
Women in literature 2
Aesthetics, British 1
Allegory 1
American poetry 1
Angels 1
Angels in literature 1
Apocalypse in literature 1
Appreciation 1
Art and literature 1
Authorship 1
Beginning 1
Bildband 1
Books 1
Calvinism in literature 1
Canon (Literature) 1
Christian heresies in literature 1
Christian literature, English 1
Christianity and other religions 1
Christianity and politics 1
Christianity in literature 1
Church history 1
Codicology 1
Commerce in literature 1
Comparative literature 1
Conscience 1
Conscience in literature 1
Contemporaries 1
Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) 1
Criticism, Textual 1
Delirium in literature 1
Demography 1
Devil 1
Devotional literature, English 1
Discourse analysis, Literary 1
Doctrines 1
Economics 1