Criticism and interpretation 413 History and criticism 241 History 211 Stage history 103 English drama 98 Characters 73 Knowledge 72 In literature 65 Theater 63 Appreciation 60 English literature 58 Dramatic production 56 Drama 49 Tragedies 47 Influence 44 Study and teaching 43 English language 39 Comedies 37 Tragedy 35 Political and social views 33 Religion 31 Technique 31 Criticism, Textual 29 Dramatists, English 28 Histories 27 Language 27 Literature 24 Knowledge and learning 23 Women 23 Film adaptations 22 Philosophy 22 Literary style 21 Historical drama, English 20 Acting 18 Women in literature 18 Ethics 17 Kings and rulers 17 Politics and literature 17 Sonnets, English 17 Kings and rulers in literature 16 Politics in literature 16 Psychology 16 Religion in literature 16 Sex role in literature 16 Literature and history 15 Comedy 14 Love in literature 14 Civilization 13 Criticism 13 Historiography 13 Intellectual life 13 Literature and society 13 Authorship 12 Theory, etc 12 Tragicomedies 12 Women and literature 12 Social life and customs 11 Adaptations 10 Christianity and literature 10 English drama (Tragedy) 10 Law in literature 10 Psychoanalysis and literature 10 Psychological aspects 10 Theater audiences 10 Christian drama, English 9 English poetry 9 Law 9 Political plays, English 9 Ethics in literature 8 Fathers and daughters 8 Feminism and literature 8 Heroes in literature 8 Man-woman relationships 8 Production and direction 8 Renaissance 8 Sex in literature 8 Study and teaching (Secondary) 8 Biography 7 Drama in education 7 Figures of speech 7 Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) 7 Music 7 Natural history 7 Publishing 7 Style 7 Theaters 7 Tragicomedy 7 Homes and haunts 6 Power (Social sciences) in literature 6 Psychology in literature 6 Religion and literature 6 Rome 6 Soliloquy 6 Teaching 6 Books and reading 5 Characters and characteristics in literature 5 Contemporaries 5 Courtship 5 Domestic drama, English 5 Editing 5