Youth 911 Youth development 319 Young women 284 Young adults 175 Young men 135 Yugoslav War, 1991-1995 114 Yoga 105 Youth and violence 58 Youth with social disabilities 47 Yoruba (African people) 40 Young adult literature 37 Young Adult 32 Youth movements 29 Young adults' libraries 27 Yiddish literature 26 Yiddish language 23 Youth (LGBTQ) 17 Young adult fiction 16 Young adult fiction, American 16 Yoknapatawpha County (Imaginary place) 15 Young adult literature, American 14 Youth in literature 14 Yupik Eskimos 14 Yanomamo Indians 12 Yacht racing 11 Yachting 11 Yachts 11 Yang-Mills theory 10 Yields 9 Young consumers 9 Youth with disabilities 9 Youth workers 9 Yellow fever 8 Youth in development 8 Yiddish drama 7 Yogis 7 Yolngu (Australian people) 7 Young adult services librarians 7 Youth protest movements 7 Youth with mental disabilities 7 Yi (Chinese people) 6 Youth and war 6 Youth in motion pictures 6 Youth with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 6 Youth with autism spectrum disorders 6 Youth, Black 6 Yugoslav War Crime Trials, Hague, Netherlands, 1994- 6 Yeast 5 Yogācāra (Buddhism) 5 Young gay men 5 Yams 4 Yao (Southeast Asian people) 4 Year 2000 date conversion (Computer systems) 4 Yeast fungi 4 Yezidis 4 Yiddishists 4 Yom Kippur 4 Yoruba language 4 Young adult poetry, American 4 Young adults with disabilities 4 Young businesspeople 4 Young volunteers in community development 4 Youth and peace 4 Youth in mass media 4 Youthfulness 4 Yukaghir 4 Yahgan Indians 3 Yakama Indians 3 Yami (Taiwan people) 3 Yana Indians 3 Yang-Baxter equation 3 Yao (African people) 3 Yaqui Indians 3 Yavapai Indians 3 Yellow Fever 3 Yemenis 3 Yeshivas 3 Yiddish imprints 3 Yiddish philology 3 Yiddish poetry 3 Yogurt 3 Yogurt industry 3 Young Men's Christian associations 3 Young Women's Christian associations 3 Young adult consumers 3 Young adult drama, English 3 Young adult poetry 3 Young artists 3 Young volunteers in social service 3 Young women in literature 3 Youth in peace-building 3 Youth, White 3 Yachting accidents 2 Yakut (Turkic people) 2 Yakuza 2 Yamasee Indians 2 Yamasee War, S.C., 1715-1716 2 Yana (North American people) 2 Yanomamo (South American people) 2 Yayoi culture 2