Law and legislation 4,036 Leadership 2,025 Language and languages 1,543 Law 1,449 Legal status, laws, etc 1,420 Literature 1,118 Language 767 Literature and society 754 Labor unions 532 Languages 526 Linguistics 507 Literacy 494 Liberalism 493 Learning 470 Literature, Modern 426 Land tenure 396 Language and culture 385 Liberty 384 Love 352 Language acquisition 346 Libraries 346 Learning, Psychology of 337 Labor market 316 Land use 299 Legislators 297 Lesbians 285 Language arts 282 Labor movement 270 Languages in contact 245 Lawyers 244 Literature and history 244 Labor 243 Labor laws and legislation 232 Life 227 Life sciences 216 LGBTQ+ people 201 Local government 200 Law enforcement 198 Logic 198 Linguistic change 194 Literature and the war 191 Literature, Medieval 189 Labor supply 188 Long-term care facilities 187 Language Development 170 Library science 161 Liberation theology 159 Language policy 158 Language, style 156 Learning and scholarship 156 Logic, Symbolic and mathematical 156 Liturgy 155 Labor policy 154 Landscapes 153 Language arts (Elementary) 150 Literary style 150 Legends 148 Language arts (Secondary) 145 Lexicography 143 Learning disabled children 138 Latin American literature 131 Leadership in women 129 Loss (Psychology) 126 Lungs 125 Literary form 124 Literature and science 122 Linguistic minorities 115 Law of the sea 114 Land settlement 111 Lesson planning 110 Lexicology 110 Legitimacy of governments 107 Living arrangements 107 Learning strategies 105 Land reform 103 Language and education 103 Latin language 102 Legal status 101 Long-term care of the sick 100 Leisure 98 Librarians 95 Law reform 93 Learning disabilities 92 Language arts (Middle school) 89 Life change events 89 Law and literature 88 Love in literature 87 Lord's Supper 86 Light 84 Lynching 84 Liver 82 Long-Term Care 79 Latin literature 78 Lobbying 78 Latin Americans 77 Lesbianism 77 Land use, Urban 76 Latter Day Saint churches 76 Landscape architecture 75 Life skills 75