Jews 1,988 Judaism 1,259 Journalism 492 Journalists 365 Jazz 282 Judges 244 JavaScript (Computer program language) 238 Justice, Administration of 231 Java (Computer program language) 201 Job stress 186 Juvenile delinquency 183 Jewish philosophy 174 Jurisprudence 161 Japanese language 156 Job hunting 155 Justice 145 Japanese Americans 140 Juvenile delinquents 133 Jewish authors 132 Judicial process 127 Jazz musicians 126 Juvenile justice, Administration of 121 Jewish women 117 Jewish-Arab relations 108 Jews in literature 105 Job satisfaction 103 Jihad 98 Japanese 94 Just war doctrine 89 Jewish law 88 Judicial review 87 Joints 75 Jungian psychology 75 Jewish businesspeople 72 Journalistic ethics 70 Jewish ethics 65 Judicial error 64 Jewish refugees 63 Job creation 58 Judaism and literature 54 Japanese literature 53 Judicial power 52 Job Satisfaction 51 Junior high school teaching 47 Jewish families 43 Judgment 43 Jewish literature 42 Jurisdiction 42 Jewish children in the Holocaust 41 Java 38 JavaScript 38 Juvenile Delinquency 38 Jewish influences 34 Jungian Theory 34 Jealousy 31 Jury 31 Justice (Philosophy) 31 Justice in literature 29 Juvenile corrections 28 Jails 27 Jewelry 26 Jews, German 26 Judaism and philosophy 26 Jewish diaspora 25 Judaism (Christian theology) 25 Japanese influences 24 Judaism and politics 24 Jazz dance 23 Japanese poetry 22 Jurisdiction (International law) 22 Juvenile courts 22 Jewish interpretations 21 Jubilee singers 21 Judicial opinions 21 Justification (Christian theology) 21 Jazz vocals 20 Judgment (Ethics) 20 Judicial review of administrative acts 20 Jewish fiction 19 Joint ventures 19 Jewish learning and scholarship 18 Jewish resistance 18 Jews, East European 18 Job security 18 Jewish art and symbolism 17 Jewish legends 17 Jewish way of life 17 Judaism and state 17 Judgments 17 Justification 17 Juvenile homicide 17 Jewish Christians 16 Judaism in literature 16 Judge-made law 16 Japanese fiction 15 Jewish children 15 Jewish philosophers 15 Jews in motion pictures 15 Journalism and literature 15 Joy 15