Government policy 3,278 Gender identity 1,801 Globalization 1,624 Grammar, Comparative and general 1,327 Grammar 722 Group identity 716 Government relations 516 German language 455 Gay men 393 Geography 381 Growth 365 Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 344 God 335 Genetics 330 Genocide 330 German literature 310 Geology 296 Global warming 294 Generals 287 Gay people 286 Gender roles 256 Geopolitics 237 Global Health 219 Government, Resistance to 204 Grief 195 Gender Identity 194 Geographic information systems 184 Good and evil 184 Geometry 170 Genetic engineering 167 Generative grammar 166 Girls 166 Genetic aspects 159 Governors 151 Group work in education 151 Genomics 147 Gangs 144 Gender expression 139 Genealogy 136 Game theory 133 Grammar, Comparative 133 Group psychotherapy 133 Geometry, Algebraic 129 Global environmental change 125 Gay rights 124 Gender 122 Greek literature 122 Green movement 122 Gifted children 119 Group theory 118 Gay liberation movement 114 Graphic arts 112 Germans 111 Geometry, Differential 106 Gender identity in literature 105 Grammar, Historical 104 Gastrointestinal system 103 Greek language 96 Geographic Information Systems 93 Greenhouse gas mitigation 93 Geriatrics 92 Gardens 91 God (Christianity) 91 Graphic methods 88 Gun control 88 Global Warming 84 Graduate work 80 Genetic disorders 79 Government spending policy 79 Groundwater 78 Greek influences 76 Gynecology 76 Gambling 75 Games 74 Generative organs, Female 74 Greek drama (Tragedy) 74 General Surgery 72 Gold mines and mining 72 Gastronomy 70 Gerontology 70 Gothic revival (Literature) 70 Gender Role 69 Geographical perception 69 Geriatric nursing 69 Grammaticalization 69 Game Theory 68 Government 68 Genetics, Medical 67 Group identity in literature 67 Germanic languages 66 Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863 66 Grading and marking (Students) 66 Gifts 64 Green technology 64 Graph theory 63 Greenhouse gases 63 Geophysics 62 Gold 61 Graphic design (Typography) 61 Gas industry 59