Foreign relations 4,549 Fashion designers 2,162 Finance 2,089 Fashion design 2,043 Fashion shows 1,948 Fashion 1,824 Feminism 1,435 Families 1,327 Food 906 Foreign economic relations 662 Family relationships 636 Family members 619 Financial crises 600 Folklore 542 Forecasting 541 Family 538 Foreign speakers 513 Feminist theory 486 Food habits 434 Food industry and trade 426 Frontier and pioneer life 420 French literature 413 Fiction 407 Fiscal policy 381 Food supply 336 Federal government 316 Finance, Personal 307 Friends and associates 291 French language 280 Friendship 275 Finance, Public 269 Feminism and literature 268 Folk music 267 Family violence 252 Festivals 244 Family psychotherapy 221 Free trade 219 Financial services industry 211 Financial institutions 208 Freedom of religion 203 Feminists 197 Free enterprise 194 Freedom of speech 194 Foreign trade regulation 191 Family Therapy 186 French fiction 181 Forests and forestry 180 Fathers and daughters 177 Faculty 176 Funeral rites and ceremonies 175 Fieldwork 173 First year teachers 168 Fascism 167 Feature films 166 Foreign workers 163 Forensic sciences 155 Feminist criticism 151 Fishes 147 Football 143 Farmers 142 Free will and determinism 142 Food security 140 Foreign exchange rates 139 Faith 138 Fathers and sons 137 Fluid dynamics 137 Film adaptations 134 Financial statements 132 French 130 Foreign exchange 128 Fishing 125 Freedom 124 Freedom Rides, 1961 123 Firearms 122 Fairy tales 120 Farm life 119 First philosophy 117 Freedom of the press 117 Functionalism (Linguistics) 117 Feminist theology 111 Feeding Behavior 107 Forest management 107 Fraud 105 Forced migration 103 Fertility, Human 102 Film criticism 102 Fisheries 102 Friendships 101 French drama 100 Fathers 98 Fear 97 Fetus 97 Family-owned business enterprises 96 Forest ecology 96 Family Relations 94 Fund raising 92 Folk dancing 90 Freedom of information 90 Feminist literary criticism 89 Functional analysis 89